Welcome to Nightscribe.Com :) 
Hello!! This Website is for your handy use and enjoyment for the travels through cyberspace.  
You'll find  nearly anything you  want to know on the web, and I have provided quite a variety
of  topics, therefore it is quite possible you will find the info that you seek.  I have discovered in 
my tours of the web that no topic has been without some mention on the internet pages "out there", 
and it is with that idea that I constructed my site, so you cand find things fast and efficiently.  
All of the topics chosen have quite a number of links available for leading the visitor to the
enjoyment of excellent, sometimes very educational, and even funny websites from all over the globe.
There are a few sites I link to that are "Grand Central" type links  pages that almost have no boundaries :)
Information Services Website!

What is the The Internet?? : Computers all over the world connected together!! I view it as an infinitely
growing form of "People Pipeline"!  It is not only a highway to infinite information, it is a conduit to a
form of instant social environment, commonly called "Chat"!   There are certain expectations for net
conduct that our "Cyber Society" Of Netizens are expected to maintain: 

netiq_ban.gif (2544 bytes) 


Netiquette On Line Book
Etiquette on Line is Available by Emily Post!

Communicate On Line!
If you Don't Speak English, Here's Help :)
If  Speaking in Acronyms :)
Symbolics: Chat Acronyms  and Emoticons/Smileys

If You can only Communicate in Code:)
Code of the Geeks
Geek Pride
News for Nerds : SlashDot
Geek Questionnaire/Calculator

Don't get Addicted to the Internet!!
Before you surf: Some resources for internet addiction!

Web Based Mail

Mail Forwarding
Mail Network
The E-247 Hub

Mail Tracking
Active Names
I-Trace-U Email confirmation service

Other E-Mail Clients
Eudora Light
Diganet Global Mail
U.K. Speaking E-mail
E-Mail Effects by Sig Software

Jazz up the E Mail!
Cloud Eight Stationary

Get All Your Mail at once; at One Place!
E-Prompter Mail

Mail attachments in BinHex? Go here to get Stuffitexpander!!
Aladdin Systems Software

Mail Minder Service: Be reminded in Key Life Events!
Life Minders

The bad side of E-Mail:
Anti-Spam Resources
E-Mail Forwards and Chain E-Mail
Try Spamkiller by Novasoft to handle the SPAM

To Start, get as you see fit, the Chat Clients: 

Abbott Chat Progran
The Palace &  

Phone on Line
Phone Fun

Chat Servers:
StarChat (Regulated)    Star Chat Network
Dal.Net  (Unregulated; parents Please use Due Discretion when your Kids use this server!)
Try WebCam if you are brave :)

Learn IRC Chat

A Safe Place To Simply Chat: Home Of "Wombat":
Chat Notes Website  

Chat Security: Check out Who you're Chatting with

And Of Course There Is The "Snail Mail" Option :)

Regarding Linking, Including Reciprocals:
If  You Want To Link This Site To Your Pages,
I have Provided Some  Link Banners


Now, Start Surfing and have fun:)))))
Keep 3D Global Time!!

And: Don't forget to smile!!!!!!!!!!!!

Something on "Nightscribe"